Cuckoo Maran Chicken Feathers – Medium Bag

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Cuckoo Maran chickens are an overall dark gray-black with silver-gray bars on each feather. The winter feathers are exceptionally fluffy, as are these body feathers. The feathers are either fully gray-black, with frothy edges, or have faint barring. This item consists of one medium bag with feathers 1 to 3 inches long.

Shipping is one flat rate of $8 regardless of how many feather bags you are ordering and will show up automatically in your shopping cart. Your cart will appear in the sidebar when you select an item. Your order will ship using USPS Priority Mail and go out within 3 days of completed payment. International orders are no longer possible due to export regulations.

The Medium bags are 6 in x 3 in and have about 25 feathers each:  $6 bags


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Cuckoo Feather Triochicken feathers

Cuckoo Maran Feathers